Measurement & Verification

QuEST literally wrote the book on Measurement & Verification

QuEST is the go-to firm to validate savings on your energy projects. We serve building owners, new technology entrepreneurs, energy saving performance contractors, and financial organizations.

  • We understand building and energy-using systems
  • We know how to measure energy use
  • We do retrocommissioning, a detailed, data-driven investigation
  • We keep up with technology developments
  • We understand how savings are valued and projects are financed
  • We understand the risks of energy efficiency and conservation investment
QuEST offers these Measurement & Verification services
  • Estimate / validate savings
  • Assure savings persistence
  • Validate Third Party savings
  • Validate “black box” Measurement & Verification tools
Our Measurement & Verification Process
  • Baseline development
  • Post-Install
  • Weather Normalization
  • Whole Building or System Level
QuEST’s Contributions to M&V

QuEST has literally written the book on M&V. David Jump Ph.D., P.E., Director of Engineering at QuEST, was principal author of a California Commissioning Collaborative (CCC) M&V guideline that focused on developing and using building energy models in M&V analysis. The guideline’s methods may be implemented in adherence with IPMVP Options B or C, and provide criteria for deciding which Option to select. Dr. Jump serves on many industry organizations including ASHRAE’s Guideline 14 Committee and the CCC’s Advisory Board; Dr. Jump also served as chair of the Efficiency Valuation Organization’s IPMVP Committee from 2007 through 2013. He authored additional commissioning guidelines for the Bonneville Power Administration, and regularly conducts applied research projects for the California Energy Commission’s PIER program.

Industry Memberships

QuEST continues to help the industry advance its Measurement & Verification capabilities and increase confidence in energy efficiency investments, and make projects less costly.